You And The Duality Of Love & Fear

Today, The Kabablah Education and Research Institute, Bnei Ultra Manifestation Review Baruch, named after Rav Baruch Ashlag, continues his legacy. Just as the Zohar predicted, 1995 marked a turning point when many people became interested in the wisdom of Kabbalah. Today, millions of people who desire to attain this wisdom are following the path that Rabash has paved. People all over the world are studying Rabash's teaching, the wisdom of achieving peace, joy, and balance with Nature. This is the great gift that Rabash has left for us - the opportunity to become eternal and perfect.
Here are some ways you can fast for a financial breakthrough in your life:

Consider the different types of fasts. Think about which type of fast you would like to undertake, such as: giving up one or two meals a day (and praying during those times), giving up meat, giving up all desserts and snacks, consuming only juice, or abstaining from something other than food (such as television). Then think about how long you'd like to fast. Make sure you check with your doctor before fasting for any sustained length of time so you don't endanger your health.

Make sure your requests are in line with God's will. Ask only for money that God wants you to have. Understand that sometimes it's a greater blessing to receive wisdom that you can apply to your financial decisions than to suddenly receive a large sum of money. Know that a transformed attitude about money will glorify God more than just winning the lottery. Be open to God's best for you without trying to manipulate Him. Reflect on biblical principles while you fast. Study the Scriptures to understand what God has promised about how He will provide for His children.