Scottish council first in UK to offer free sanitary products


Staff member
Next single mothers demand FREE child babysitting services so they can go clubbing at weekends.

40p+ For a sanitary pad. Oh wait I forgot they want ones that are popular and cost £4+.

Please remember this next time you're in one of the places mentioned in the article, using the free toilet paper.

I found some pads for less than 50p. A whole pack!! I can't believe that is expensive!?

Usually when they are cheap they aren’t as good in quality.

I disagree. I bled for 30 years. That's a lot of periods!! I didn't always use branded products.

I don’t see how Necessary sanitary products are in any way related to clubbing? Or child care? I respect your voice and your opinion George but I think you’re a little off base here my man.

I always carry bunch of toilet tissues in my pocket as I've been to a public loo and someone has urinated over the rolls.

50p is a lot when you don’t have much to go round. If it’s the choice between 50p pads and 50p worth of food, most women would choose the food as this will be of the biggest benefit to more than just one person. It’s very easy to say that 50p isn’t much but if that’s all you have then it’s everything.

I wish shop own products were as good but being a heavy bleeder they lasted seconds I had to buy more expensive ones.

then again I buy cheap bottled water and it tastes the same as dearer bottled water. But, I do see women wanting more and more things free lately. In Nottingham I read few months ago that female students want a free taxi service for them at weekends due to possibility of being attacked.
I do believe under 16 year olds girls should have free sanitary towels and after that you should pay.

"Hmmm, looks like I can't afford sanitary products this month. I know what I'll do, I just won't bleed. Because it's a thing I choose to do."

The quality and comfort of the cheaper ones make using them even more horrible. They don't last as long and can be difficult to actually use. I have genuinely jumped for joy seeing free sanitary products in restaurant and pub bathrooms as you don't always have one with you and trust me, it can surprise you at any time!

Problem is this going add more on council costs. Already councils are UK are suffering with costs rising and budget falling.
Then in few months when some council services are stopped we get people complaining about the cuts.
Then who do we blame?.

why truth hurts. In past few years people have been especting things for free and not caring who pays for it and it's getting worst. The pattern is it's always aimed towards female gender. Sanitary towels, bigger home, Etc.. When was last time you seen a man demand FREE condoms or FREE razors for his beard.

Scottish council first in UK to offer free sanitary products.JPG

I wish more council's would do this! To everyone saying they aren't a necessity... Would you rather us women just bled all over public places? Restaurant chairs? Bus chairs? Menstruation isn't a choice!

Not sure I actually understand what you've said, but baby milk is free... It comes out your breasts!!!

I admire this move but would rather promote free re-usable solutions and reduce landfill. We need to educate ourselves about the alternatives which are a lot cheaper than disposables, although I understand not suitable for every woman.

I get the contraceptive implant.. not had a period for about 14 years. No pain, not having to deal with any of it. Perfect solution. Btw I want free toilet roll cos pooping and peeing makes that an essential!!

I am not sure they should be free, but do think that schools, youth centres, community projects, homeless charities or people with extreme needs, for example should be helped by the Government/councils.

Well England should do the same we get nothing free we have to pay for prescription no whare else does. it's about time we got some thing free we pay out for enough.

The majority of the ones that are arguing against it, are men. Yeah like we choose to bleed every single month for 5 days. #soblessed A box of tampons in the US is $8-9 without taxes ( for 18 in a box) which lasts about a month if you have an average period... So approximately $96/year $3744/39 years of something our body does that we have no control over.