Required documents and Information while moving from Dubai to another country

Relocating to a new country is often an exciting yet arduous process. Not only does it involve moving your entire life thousands of miles away, but it also means having to navigate an abundance of paperwork and red tape. In order to make your international move successful, you will need to bring all the important documents with you.. Below is a list of essential items to consider while making the move.

  1. Passport and visa:
This is the most important document needed to move from Dubai to another country. Ensure that your passport is valid for at least six months and that you have the appropriate visa for the country you're moving to.

  1. Employment information:
If you're moving for work, you'll need to provide proof of employment such as a job offer letter or a contract from your new employer.

  1. Financial documents:
You'll need to provide proof of your financial stability, such as bank statements and salary slips, to obtain a visa in some countries.

  1. Health insurance:
Most countries require proof of health insurance coverage for the duration of your stay.

  1. Educational certificates:
If you have children, you'll need to provide their educational certificates for enrollment in a new school.

  1. Medical records:
It's recommended to carry your medical records with you, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition.

  1. Proof of address:
You'll need to provide proof of your current address in Dubai and your new address in the country you're moving to.

  1. Vehicle registration:
If you own a vehicle, you'll need to transfer the registration to your new country or sell it before you leave Dubai.

  1. Shipping information:
If you're planning to bring your belongings with you, you'll need to make arrangements for shipping and provide the necessary information for customs clearance.

  1. Termination of lease and utility bills:
If you're renting, make sure to terminate your lease and settle all utility bills before leaving Dubai.

  1. Cultural differences:
Moving to a new country can be a culture shock, and it's important to educate yourself about the customs and traditions of your new home. Researching the local culture, language, and customs can help you adjust more quickly to your new surroundings.

  1. Local laws:
Familiarize yourself with the local laws of the country you're moving to. This can help you avoid any legal issues or penalties.

  1. Support network:
Building a support network in your new home can make the transition much easier. Look for opportunities to meet new people, join clubs or organizations, and make new friends.

  1. Budgeting:
Moving to a new country can be expensive, and it's important to have a budget in place. Make sure you have enough savings to cover the initial expenses of relocation, such as travel costs, deposit for housing, and other essentials.

  1. Professional support:
Consider hiring a professional relocation service to assist you with the moving process. They can help with tasks such as finding a new home, obtaining necessary visas and permits, and arranging for the shipment of your belongings.

Other important documents to take with you when moving abroad

  • Dental records
  • Power of attorney
  • Child custody papers
  • Divorce papers
  • Driver’s license
  • Tax records
  • Health insurance card
  • Insurance documents
  • Living will
  • Adoption papers
  • Pet vaccination records

5 must-dos regarding these important documents

  • Always, always, always bring plenty of copies. We recommend having two to five copies per document on hand when moving abroad.

  • Don’t ship documents with your other belongings. Whatever you do, avoid packing them with the other cargo. Your documents could become lost or damaged while in transit. You will also need these documents to prove your identity when entering a new country.

  • Keep them with you during the move. To avoid losing them, we recommend placing them in a file folder or secure binder in your carry-on bag.

  • Place them in a safe and secure location once you’ve arrived in your new country. Whether it’s a safe or a file cabinet, be sure to keep them organized and secure at all times.

Attestation of Documents in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

When having your documents authenticated, there is a specific procedure you must follow, and you must ensure that the correct documents are delivered to the appropriate authorities. This is an overview of the process:

Attestation from the Notary Department

You must first have your paperwork attested by the local notary. You could visit a Notary Public or Collector's office for this. You can proceed to the following step once the Notary has authenticated your certificates.

Home Department Attestation

Once your documents have been stamped by the Notary, take them to the Home Department. The documents that you need to get verified by the State Home Department are your personal certificates. Once the state officials stamp them, attesting to their accuracy, you move on to MEA attestation.

Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) Attestation

This federal government department is in charge of managing matters with other nations. Ensure that all of your documents have the MEA verification stamp before continuing.

UAE Embassy Attestation

As you would need the Dubai Embassy's consent to move there, it is evident that you would need to have your documents and certificates attested by them. Take these to the UAE Embassy in your state when the MEA completes the attestation. Before certifying the accuracy of the previously confirmed material, they will review it all and make sure it is all true.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) Attestation

The MOFA is a Dubai government agency that is in charge of managing the country's foreign relations. You must get the MOFA's stamp on all of your documents after they have been attested by the aforementioned authorities. Yet, you wouldn't have to be there in person to have the paperwork checked. It might take a little while because a government office in the UAE is involved, but it's crucial that all of your paperwork is in place or you risk not getting your visa.

If you need any assistance shipping a motorbike from dubai to anywhere in the world please contact us Elite Shipping.

Elite Shipping
Elite Shipping L.L.C, P.O. Box # 32940, Dubai, UAE.