Losing Weight is My Lost Cause - Hey, I'll Just Order Another Diet Book!

Eliminate all sugar substitutes like Aspartame, Nutra Sweet, Splenda, etc. The Underground Fat Loss Manual Review People who reduce their intake of sugar will have over a 60% decrease in belly fat and over a 46% decrease in liver fat and besides a slimmer midsection you will also enjoy fewer hot flashes or eliminate them completely. You could lose more than 10 pounds in just one week alone. I ordered another book about losing weight. This one's about optimizing your metabolism. I figured that if I order yet another diet book, I can gulp down a bunch more sweet carbs knowing that I'll soon be doing all the right things and will lost that big ol' watermelon that resides on the front of me.

If only it were that easy to lose weight and to keep it off. It seems the fatter we get, the more obsessed about weight loss we become. I have always been overweight, very active, but still many pounds over the line. As I've aged, that weight knows only one location: my gut. Though I get lots of regular exercise, I find myself huffing and puffing more than usual. That's because my heart has to pump blood through an untold number of miles of extra blood vessels. Bummer.

I'm not surprised that I have this problem. It's partly genetic. And, I've lost huge amounts of weight in the past only to put them back on again over time. It's all about my eating habits. I seem to over-consume everything. And, I do it really fast. I'm always the first one done. How do you change that, anyway? Chew the food into oblivion? Savor every morsel? Slow down? Yeah, that's a good idea. But, I still can't seem to wolf it down fast enough. It's the same reason I had to give up drinking alcohol. When you consume alcohol or food like an asteroid is imminently drawing a bead on Mother Earth, it's a recipe for disaster.
