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These can range from glandular disorders, viral infections and GRS Ultra Review unhealed broken bones to toxins in the blood and fatty tissues, drug use and sheer bad diet. Ever gotten tetchy when you were hungry? Or maudlin or acted a little crazy when you had imbibed a little too much alcohol? Did being laid up with some illness ever make you feel down? Ever see a kid become "hyper" after eating sugar? Well, as you can see, mood and state of mind CAN be affected by your physical condition, diet and so forth. You only have to imagine the physical or dietary condition being chronic and the consequent emotional fallout and you can see how it can look as if the person has "something wrong with his brain."

If no attempt is made to locate and alleviate the physical condition, it is easy to see how people can be sold a bill of goods and persuaded to take a drug to suppress the symptoms. It is a bit like taking a painkiller for a broken leg and not bothering to fix the leg. Soon you wind up with gangrene as well as an addiction to painkillers.

It is very unwise to address symptoms and neglect causes. On the matter of depression, in recent decades prescriptions for anti-depressants and the number of people taking anti-depressants has exploded, with around 230 MILLION prescriptions for antidepressants being filled every year, as the program of drugging the citizenry at every (profitable) opportunity continues apace - with, it would appear, the avid help of a large cadre of the nation's doctors.