Facts About the Memory Foam Mattress

During sleep when we inhale, the air enters the airway and passes Sleep Wave Review across the back of the mouth's roof. The point where the upper throat and the tongue meets the uvula and the soft palate, is collapsible, because of which the airway gets blocked or narrowed. Such a blocking hinders the airflow, resulting in the vibration of the uvula and the soft palate that beats against the rear part of the throat. This phenomenon may also lead to the vibration of adenoids and the tonsils.

The loudness of the snoring depends on the intensity of the vibration which again depends on the amount of blockage in the airway. Snoring does not take place when one is awake because the throat muscles hold the tissues in place at the rear of the mouth. Sleeping relaxes the muscles and the tissues collapse.

Various factors can lead to the blockage or narrowing of the airway such as when the tissues in the throat, nose or mouth get enlarged. Enlarged tonsils can make children snore. Also, when the nasal passage is blocked, inhaling becomes difficult. This results in the pulling together of the throat tissues due to the extra effort taken in while breathing which in turn leads to the narrowing of the airway. The nasal passage can be blocked by an infection in the upper respiratory. A "deviated nasal septum" can also cause blockage by disturbing airflow in the airway. Aging and a non-fit body can also cause a blockage resulting in snoring.
