Easy Toenail Fungus Home Remedies

So what are the remedies you can look for when you are Urgent Fungus Destroyer Review affected by toenail fungus? There are actually quite a few natural care measures and home remedies that will relieve you of the tormenting pain in the toenail. You can use tea tree oil and a natural antiseptic. You can apply undiluted tea tree oil mixed with olive oil on the affected toe nail. You can also apply a few pints of tea tree oil on your toenail and rub thoroughly everyday. Do you have Listerine mouthwash in your bathroom cabinet? Well the mouthwash can be really effective in healing your nails. All you have to do is soak your toes in it. The strong antiseptic will make your toes look healthier.

If you want instant relief from the pain you can soak you nails in a basin of warm water and natural apple cider vinegar mixed in equal proportion. Then you need to towel dry your toenails and use a hair dryer to absorb the moisture in and around your toenails. This will make the pain subside. Olive oil and oregano also works well against the fungus. You have to blend a teaspoon of olive oil with a couple of drops of oregano essential oil. For a maximum of three weeks you have to apply this mixture on the infected toenails. The antiseptic, antiviral and antifungal properties of oregano will work wonders to cure the toenail infection.

Are your toenails turning yellow? Have they become brittle and flaky? Well in all likelihood you are suffering from toenail fungus. Never heard of it? Well many people suffer from it without even knowing what it is and what is to be done about it. It is caused by fungi called dermatophytes. It can affect you if you have a family history, suffer from poor health, suffered any kind of trauma or use occlusive footwear. You must be wondering about the toenail fungus treatment.
