Easy Stretching Exercises for Bunions Treatment

When you stop to think about that, you can remember an argument Theramine Review or a traumatic event in your life that when it was over you felt sick or a pain somewhere in your body. What happened was that your emotion during that event was a direct cause to an organ in your body malfunctioning. While that occurred the actual emotion was trapped in that organ. You may have noticed that you felt bad for awhile and it might have subsided later. However, the emotion never did leave that organ and over time it had weakened it to the point that you notice a severe issue years later.

Here is an example of Alice, an 83 year-old-woman, that had felt pain from trapped emotions over 40 years later after they were trapped. Alice had been having a nagging pain in her heel that she had felt for over 6 months. She asked me to check if there were any trapped emotions that had been causing that pain. When I was done, I had released 2 trapped emotions and after releasing the 2nd one she stood up and said, "I don't feel pain anymore". She was very happy and walked all around the house testing to see if the pain was really gone. She was funny that day and the great thing is that the pain has never returned.

It is amazing to me the possibilities of healing lower back pain and how often clients have felt relief when The Emotion Code techniques are applied. Johnny was in his 40′s and had pain in his left hip caused by an old football injury that left him limping for 2 years. When I worked with him in his 3rd session we found that it was caused by imbalances in his lower back L3 AND L4. Once we found and released those imbalances, he no longer has the pain in his hip and is able to do the routine workouts like he had done before the pain arrived 2 years earlier.
