1kg gold price

Why is it that we are so enamoured with gold. It is of course a very special mineral that is valued everywhere. Gold goes back to ancient times and ancient civilisations. Many years ago people wore larger amounts of gold pieces, especially if they were royalty.

Gold pieces are beautiful; but as someone easily damaged pure gold it has to be mixed with alloys to strengthen it. The alloys mixed in can change its colour to pink, black, white or even green. 100g gold bar

In today's world, many people wear gold. I consider it an indicator of status. If you are rich, or have a few extra cash to throw around then you get gold jewellery; of course women will always love gold pretty things.

Hip hop artiste have made it into a fashion trend with their larger-than-life gold chains, watches and teeth grills. Though flashy and ego telling, gold in any form is still an investment.

An investment is definitely a wise choice in today's economy. After the recession started in the early 2000s, many people were negatively affected. These people lost many things and their way of life. They lost homes, cars, assets, and their jobs. Millions of people became unemployed.

After the real estate market crashed, the stock market crashed and many businesses could not withstand the effects so I lay employees off, and they soon closed. Many top brands and international businesses had to close. Even though they had larger markets, they lost big too in the stock market.

Never have so many homes been foreclosed on. This is in great part because banking agencies were signing over homes to people without a penny on down payment. Now this was an indicator that things were going to get bad. 1kg gold bar

When the economy gets bad, gold is king. In times of war, gold is king. When investors lose their confidence in any world power or government, gold is king. The value of gold has gone up significantly. If you bought gold twenty or even ten years ago, you are even richer, because that value has tripled, at least. People invest in different gold elements.

They may include gold bullion, gold coins, or large amounts of gold jewellery. On the gold jewellery aspect, many companies are now channelling their efforts to buy your gold jewellery.

Gold advertisers have put out many ads in the last couple years. These ads give you direction on how to sell your gold jewellery. They typically send you an envelope, you send you pieces, they assess it and send you money whether to your account or as a check.

There are also websites that by gold online. They are very many; but as always you should be safe, and diligent about selling your gold. Look up and find a reputable dealer such as sellgold.com.